After five monthís training in solar power engineering, four women in Tinginaput, India are transforming their remote village - bringing light and electricity to their homes. See how they are providing a new, ìgreenî path for development in our photo gallery. And find out more about the female solar engineers at:

Climate Change Mitigation in Developing Countries

The following reflects course work for the MOOC Climate Change Mitigation in Developing Countries offered by Professor Harald Winkler of the University of Capetown, South Africa Week 1: Sustainable consumption patterns – a Super Wicked problem Week 2: Awareness and Response : Actions to Reduce Emissions from Personal Energy Use Week 3: A Slightly Anomalous American   Week 4: A Gap as …

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A sustainable world requires corporate transparency

Why the World Needs More Corporate Transparency

There are powerful social, environmental and economic implications associated with transparency. Corporations are not the only ones that should be concerned about transparency; governments, employees, consumers and the whole of civil society all have a stake. Transparency is about open access to an organization’s activities and this has implications for everything from climate change to the bottom line. Starbuck’s CEO Howard Schultz effectively communicated the …

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