Climate change, El Nino warming ocean waters and prolonging coral bleaching event

Climate Change, El Niño Prolong Coral Die-off

The news earlier this month of a record low Arctic sea ice in January, combined with the hottest January on record and four separate studies corroborating accelerating sea level rise is only some of the recent news pointing to a rapidly changing global climate. In a press statement released today by the American Geophysical Union, scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration report …

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SCOTUS stay a bump in the road for the Clean Power Plan

What the SCOTUS Stay Mean for the Clean Power Plan

Though legal challenges to full implementation of the Clean Power Plan (CPP) were expected, the Supreme Court ruling on Tuesday to stay progress on the CPP was a surprising and unexpected setback. The EPA regulation is president Obama’s signature action to curb U.S. greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. A coalition of 27 mostly Republican-led states and fossil energy interests,claiming …

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